Birdies in a Basket
Everyone loves breakfast. Fact. Although, not everyone has time for breakfast. Here's a pretty quick way to start off the day that doesn't require prep, or much clean up. Birdies in a basket is one of my favorite recipes, because its easy to make, and because I love eggs and toast.
It's so easy to make I'm not sure I can even call it a recipe.
Begin by cutting out holes in bread. I was using potato bread, but any bread will do. If you're using jumbo sized eggs, you might want a thicker bread such as Texas Toast. I just use a cup to cut out holes. Push down hard, and twist.That's what she said. A cookie cutter will do, you could even use scissors if you want.
Spray a small pan with some oil, or butter. All you need is one teaspoon of either. Crack the egg in the middle, and watch it on medium/medium-high heat. Also add a bit of salt and pepper to the egg. When the bread begins to smell like toast, slide the toast and egg off the pan and onto a baking tray. At this point the egg should still be really uncooked.
This is my little solution for my inability to flip the toast in the pan and have it look pretty. I put the two pieces of bread+egg in the toaster oven, and I toast it until the top of the bread is a nice golden brown. I set the toaster oven to toast, at medium heat. At that point the egg should be perfectly done, the white part should be solid, and the yolk should be just over medium which has this nice combination of semi-runny, semi solid. You'll see, the texture is very rich and buttery.
Top it off with a bit of Sriracha and we're good to go. You might be wondering where those circles of bread went. I put some Nutella on them while I was waiting for the bread to toast. Enjoy~