Genesis: OM NOM NOM
First and foremost, welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy the simplistic design. I know I know, it looks like a sixteen year old Asian girl designed it, but I can assure you it was a hundred percent me (a twenty something Asian guy).
I don't own any fancy DSLRs, but I feel my point and shoot gets the job done quite nicely. I'll try to post weekly, as my work/school schedule can be quite hectic. Having said that, I feel it's healthy to step away from all that madness on occasion and take the time to enjoy a meal.
I lived in Seattle for three years, and I never felt like I made the most of it. Perhaps I was just too introvert to actually want to experience the city--it also could have been the rain--that might have been a big factor too. But now I am fortunate enough to be living in the big apple, and this time around I intend to eat everything but the core! I hope you will join me on my journey.